Danielle Pelot Speaking at 2023 Federal Bar Association Qui Tam Conference
Danielle Pelot will join a panel discussion on the “Ethical Dos and Don’ts at Every Stage of a Qui Tam Case” at the 2023 Federal Bar Association's Qui Tam Conference on Thursday, February 16th.
The panel will take place from 4:00-5:00 p.m. and will examine the various ethical issues that relators, relators’ counsel, the government and defense attorneys face during the life of a qui tam case. Topics covered will include (1) boundaries for relators’ counsel when collecting information in a digital age; (2) ethical obligations for all parties while a case is under seal; (3) limits to the government’s ability to question corporate employees; (4) an examination of how ethical considerations impact settlement form and incentives and (5) post-settlement obligations.
More information about the event and registration (closing on February 10th) can be found here.